This sign is the Aries sign. March 21-April 19. Active , demanding, determined, effective, ambitious.
This sign is the Pisces sign. February 19-March 20. Fluctuation, depth, imagination, reactive, indecisive.
This sgin is the Aquarius sign. January 20-February 18. Knowlwedge , humanitarian, serious, insightful, duplicitous.
This sign is the Capricorn sign. Decmeber 22-January 19. Determination, dominance, perserving, practical, willful.
This sign is the Sagittarius. November 22-December 2. Philosophical, motion, experimentation, optimism.
This sign is the Scorpio sign. October 23-November 21. Transient, self-willed, purposeful, unyielding .
This sign is the Libra sign. September 23-October 22. Balance , justice, truth, beauty, perfection.
This sign is the Virgo sign. August 23-September 22. Analyzing, practical , reflective, observation, thoughtful.
This sign is the Leo sign. July 23-August 22. Ruling, warmth , generosity, faithful, initiative.
This sign is the Cancer sign. June 21-July 22. Emotion, diplomatic, intensity, impulsive, selective.
This sign is the Gemini sign. May 21-June 20. Communication, indecision, inquisitive, intelligent , changeable.
This sign is the Taurus sign. April 20-May 20. Security, subtle strength, appreciation, instruction, patience.