Friday, April 24, 2015

Illustrator Notes

(I) Watch Mr. Webb's demonstration and post notes to do the following on your blog:
- Creating a new canvas (document)
     press Command+N to make a new canvas
     3 sections of Adobe Illustrator (Toolbox [left], Menu bar [at the top], Panels [right])
     PROFILE: Print, SIZE: Letter, ORIENTATION: Portait

- Interface navigation, drawing tools (Illustrator's shapes & using the Pen Tool)
    Rectangle Tool (M) - makes squares and rectangles with sharp edges
    Rounded rectangle tool - makes rectangles with rounded edges
    Ellipse tool - draw circles and ovals
    Polygon Tool - draws convex regular polygons.
    Star tool - draws stars; to add more edges tap the up arrow, to remove edges tap the down arrow; to     control the sharpness of the star, hold the command key while drawing the star.

   Selection Tool (V)- looks like a black arrow.  Use to select objects that you want to move, copy or     delete.

    Pen Tool (P) - draws line segments and curves

- Setting the Fill Color, and the Stroke Color
First, select your object or line.  
Second, click on the fill color box to set the fill color. 
OR, click on the stroke color box to set the stroke color

- Saving file formats (saving for Adobe Illustrator editing vs. Saving an image for the web)
Save for Adobe Illustrator = (.ai) <<Can ONLY be opened in Illustrator.
Save for the Internet/Your blog = (.jpeg, .gif, .png) << Can be uploaded to your blog.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Week 1 Signs and Visual Communications Extra Credit

4) EXTRA CREDIT - Zodiac symbols


This sign is the Aries sign.  March 21-April 19. Active , demanding, determined, effective, ambitious.

This sign is the Pisces sign. February 19-March 20. Fluctuation, depth, imagination, reactive, indecisive.

This sgin is the Aquarius sign. January 20-February 18. Knowlwedge , humanitarian, serious, insightful, duplicitous.

This sign is the Capricorn sign. Decmeber 22-January 19. Determination, dominance, perserving, practical, willful.

This sign is the Sagittarius. November 22-December 2. Philosophical, motion, experimentation, optimism.

This sign is the Scorpio sign. October 23-November 21. Transient, self-willed, purposeful, unyielding .

This sign is the Libra sign. September 23-October 22. Balance , justice, truth, beauty, perfection.

This sign is the Virgo sign. August 23-September 22. Analyzing, practical , reflective, observation, thoughtful.

This sign is the Leo sign. July 23-August 22. Ruling, warmth , generosity, faithful, initiative.

This sign is the Cancer sign. June 21-July 22. Emotion, diplomatic, intensity, impulsive, selective.

This sign is the Gemini sign. May 21-June 20. Communication, indecision, inquisitive, intelligent , changeable.

This sign is the Taurus sign. April 20-May 20. Security, subtle strength, appreciation, instruction, patience.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Week 1 - Signs & Visual Communications, Part 1

1)Defining terms related to concepts in Visual Communication

- Alphabet

  • a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language, in particular, the set of letter from A to Z.

    • -Street Sign
      • a public display of a message; a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its ;location is described

      • a notice or announcement in public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.

      • a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure. Modern astronomers divide the sky into eighty-eight constellations with defined boundaries. 

      • A type of code for data transmission. The ASCII translates all letter characters and symbols into code that was widely used in most computer systems for many years.

      -Electronic Symbols
      • An electronic symbol is a pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices in a schematic diagram of an electrical or electronic circuit. 

      -Morse Code
      • Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones , lights , or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment. 

      -American Sign Language
      • ASL is the predominant sign language of deaf communities in the United States and English-speaking parts of Canada.

      • In typography, glyph is an elemental symbol within an agreed set of symbols, intended to represent readable character for the purpose of writing and thereby expressing thoughts, ideas and concepts.

      2)Research the following background details of each symbol.  

      1) This first sign is a tent, which is mostly posted on camp grounds.
      2) This second sign is a picnic table, which is mostly seen on either camp grounds, parks, or recreational areas.
      3) This third sign is a school house, which you would see in school zone areas.
      4) The fourth sign is a bathroom sign which you would most likely see in recreational areas, restaurants or inside businesses.
      5) The fifth sign is a Parking sign which you always see on the street.
      6) The sixth sign is a sign indicating probably a overnight shelter.
      7) The seventh sign is a dining / restaurant sign that you might see on the freeway while traveling .
      8) The eighth sign is a kiosk , you can find these machines in the mall which is used to tell direction.
      9) The ninth sign is a handicap sign , which you would see anywhere, for example restaurants, hospitals, schools, etc.
      10) The tenth sign is a information sign which you may find on freeways when you're looking for direction and need help.
      11) The 11th picture is a nutrition sign, which you would see probably aroudn your school's cafeteria.
      12) The 12th picture is a phone sign, which you may find on the highway / freeway.
      13) The 13th picture is a hiking sign, which you would probably find near a camp site. 
      14) The 14th sign is a sign of a boat, which you would probably find near the pier, or docks near the beaches.
      15) The 15th picture is a anchor sign , which you would most likely find also near the beaches. Anchors are normally found on the bottom of boats.
      16) The 16th picture looks like a dog running down a hill, which you could probably find at a park.
      17) The 17th picture is a sailboat, which you could find near the seashores.
      18) The 18th picture, I would consider it to be a cruise boat, you could also find those near the seashores.
      19) The 19th picture is of someone swimming, this sign indicates that it is okay to swim in the certain area that the sign is posted.
      20) The 20th picture is of a fish and a hook, indicating that it is also okay to fish in whatever area the sign is posted.
      21) The 21st sign is a person in a canoe, indicating that it is okay to canoe in whatever area the sign is posted.
      22) The 22nd sign is a cross country ski trail, which can be found at the top of snowy mountains.
      23) The 23rd sign is downhill skiing, which can also be found at the top of snowy mountains.
      24) The 24th sign is a snowmobile trail, which can be found either at the bottom or the top of snowy mountains.
      25) The 25th sign is a sledding sign , which could be found near a snowy area that allows sledding.
      26) The 26th sign is an ice skating sign, which could be found near snowy areas that allow ice skating.
      27) The 27th sign looks to me as a horeseback riding sign , which can be found near areas that allow horseback riding, for instance , near a barn or farm.
      28) The 28th sign is a shelter for horses, which could be found, near barns , farms.
      29) The 29th picture is a bicycle trail sign , which you could probably find near beaches and parks.
      30) The 30th sign is a metro sign. metro is a bus/train form of public transportation.
      31) The 31st sign is bus sign , which  you would find near the corners of main streets.
      32) The 32nd street is a 4 wheel drive sign , which you could find near desert areas.
      33) The 33rd sign is a motor bike trail sign , which could be found near water .
      34) The 34th sign is a radiator water sing , which you could find near docks.
      35) The 35th sign is a gas station sign , which you could find anywhere near the highwasy.
      36) The 36th sign is a airport sign, which you could find near airports.
      37) The 37th picture is a drinking water sign, indicating drinking water is near.
      38) The 38th picture is a post office sign, indicating a post office is near.
      39) The 39th picture is a first aid sign, indicating first aid care is available in your area.
      40) The 40th sign is hospital sign , indicating a hospital is near you.
      41) The 41st is a amphiheatre, which i am not sure where to find this sign.
      42) The 42nd sign is a golfing sign, which you could probably find near a golf park.
      43) The 43rd sign is a camp fire sign , which would be found near a campsite.
      44) The 44th sign is a litter receptacle sign , you oculd find this near a no loitering zone.
      45) The 45th sign is a recycling sign , you could find this near a recycling place.
      46) The 46th sign is a pet on a leash , indicating that, that specific area you must have your dog on a leash at all times.
      47) The 47th sign is a shelter sign , indicating that there's a shelter near for those in need of  a place to stay.
      48) The 48th sign is a sign of a RV , indicating that the specific area is rv accpetable on that campgrounds.
      49) The 49th sign is a sanitary disposal station, indicating that that is a sanitizing station near.


      The American Flag is a representation of our country. There are 50 stars and they represent the 50 states. The 13 stripes represent the 13 colonies that we have. The red stripes represent hardiness and valor. The white represents purity and innocence. Lastly , the blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

      Wednesday, February 18, 2015


      1) Contrast- is the difference in luminance or color that makes an object distinguishable. Contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the object and other objects within the same field of view.

      -Size Contrast 

      -Shape contrast       

      -Texture/Color contrast

      2) Emphasis- special importance , value, or prominence given to something. Emphasis is an area that first attracts in a composition. This area is more important when compared to the other objects or elements in the format.

      3) Balance(iformal balance and formal balance)-Formal- repeats the same left and right, giving stability, stateliness , and dignity. Informal-differs from left to right giing curiousity, movement, and feels alive. 

      Monday, January 26, 2015

      Week 3a - Signs and Visual Communication - Digital Art Production Techniques

      Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
      -Monochromatic-containig or using only one color

      -Negative Space/Positive Space-In art, negative space is the space around and between the subject of an image. 

      Wednesday, January 21, 2015

      Week 2 - Signs & Visual Communication, Part 2a - Elements of Design

      a) Calligram-a poem , phrase, or word in which the typeface, calligraphy, or handwriting is arranged in a way that creates a visual image.
      -The words found in this calligram is basically a sentence telling someone about how to get their mind together without all of the confusion. 
      -What is being shown in this picture is a man who has a lot on his mind and is learning to control his mind without getting stressed from over thinking.

      -The words found in this calligram is basically a sentence about trusting in someone and that money doesn't control the human mind.
      -What is being shown in this picture is a woman who has a world of things flowing from her mouth and she has her eyes closed learning to trust and believe in herself and not letting things control her.

      -The words found in this calligram is worsd such as, memory, righteous , hope, dialogue, dignity, gratitude, freedom, truth, etc.
      -What is being shown in this picture is a tree full of positive words to motivate the everyday human with everyday life. This tree is saying that the negativity is not necessary when you have all this good to think about.

      c)-the image is an animal, specifically a panther
         -the text is saying panther

             -the image is a insect, specifically an ant
             -the text is saying the parts of the ant's body such as the abdomen, thorax, leg, antenna, etc.


      a) Pictogram-often used in writing and graphic systems in which the characters are to a considerable extent pictorial in appearance.

      -This pictogram is displaying a sign to an escalator , a baby changing center, and a taxi and bus pick up/stop.
      -when the viewer sees this photo they are meant to go up the escalator, change the baby in this area and get a taxi or bus ride here.

      -This pictogram is displaying things have to do with visual arts, traffic signals and things of such.
      -When the viewer sees this photo they are meant to do what the sign says, think what the sign is saying and feel the excitement in the pictogram.

      -This pictogram is displaying a tennis game, a trophy winner, and members of a golf team , and the announcer.
      -When the viewer sees this photo they are meant to do those same positions as the photo displays, think about succeeding , and feel the victory when they win from following the photo's instructions.

      c)                                          1)  
      This image has to do with airport and hotel attendants. 
      • The first is two guards who control traffic. 
      • The second is two women who also contol traffic.
      • The third is security guards.
      • The fourth is a waitress.
      • The fifth is a luggage carrier.
      • The sixth is a booth where people get there tickets from.
      • The sevemth is a security check.
      • The eighth is also a part of the security check when you get checked with the wand.
      • The ninth is where you go to get your flight info.
      • The tenth is when you're carrying your luggage to your desitination, either the                                                                                 plane you;re boarding or the room you                                                                                 will be staying.
      • The eleventh is where you're waiting for your shuttle or for somebody to pick you up.
      • The twelfth is where you wait for your luggage to be checked.
      • The last one is where you're luggage is on a luggage carrier.

      Friday, October 24, 2014

      Sanders, Alice           
      Period 4

      Art for Hire Services

      1.)  Two examples of two styles of digital / computer generated artwork being produced for hire are Graphic Design and Website Design. Graphic design is a service with a healthy and professional approach to idea conception, and a slick attention to detail in order to realize an ideas potential. Web design is many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design, authoring, etc.  
      2.)  On an average art services are being sold for $15-250/hr.
      3.)  Just from thinking about it, I would say no because a freelancer is like a entrepreneur, sort of like the kids who sell chips and stuff at school. Why would they want people to know their educational background ? That’ll probably determine their freelance job.

      My name is Alice Sanders and I am the best artist on Autodesk Maya. Why am I the best? Ok, I’ll tell you why. I am the best because I can make and model different people and objects. I can model them with simple polygons and render them to make them look realistic. I can make simple objects move. When I say move I mean like make a still human body rotate and move its ligaments. You should hire me I only charge $10-30/hr. you could never get anyone that works as well and persistent as me. I’m very convenient too, I’m available when you need me.